
Showing posts from April, 2017

So, should many people die of hunger so that a meeting is initiated?

An elderly man who is in need of food. Many people in Teso are affected. Faces of frail and emaciated people welcome you to the villages of Teso. They are not diagnosed with any disease as such except hunger. Many have succumbed to it and more are yet to follow suit. The issue of hunger in Teso is not an emergency because everybody saw it coming way back in 2016, due to unreliable rains. Leaders at the lower level started sounding warning bells to leaders in the district and those at the national level but at a small scale. It was mainly the opposition parish and sub-county councilors raising these issues on local radio stations. Many times these local leader’s views were rubbished by those who claim they are ‘in things’. As time went by the situation forced the state minister for disaster preparedness and refugees Musa Ecweru to disclose to the State owned local newspaper Etop that four people had died in Teso due to hunger. That was in November 2016. Some of the Na